General FAQs

Who is eligible to attend Indiana Gateway Alternative School (INGAS)?

Any student in grades 9–12 who resides in Indiana and is credit deficient is eligible for full-time enrollment.

How many of my students can I enroll in INGAS?

What does it cost to attend INGAS?

Since INGAS is a public school program, there is no tuition. INGAS provides state-certified teachers and all instructional materials for the program.* However, students and families are responsible for providing some consumable materials (such as printer ink and paper). In addition, families are required to provide their own computers and internet access to participate in the program. INGAS will provide loaner computers as needed, and this determination will take place during the enrollment process.

What information is required to enroll?

What is the attendance policy?

As a public school, INGAS follows applicable state laws and requirements for attendance. INGAS works with families toward a positive attendance record to meet their required number of 180 instructional days. A parent or Learning Coach logs attendance daily in the Online School.

Can our family take a vacation during the school year?

The school calendar includes school holidays or vacation time. Whenever possible, family vacations should align with school vacation days. Parents are encouraged to contact their student’s teacher if they plan a vacation that does not coordinate with the school calendar.